It's amazing how much cash is sitting around us. Almost everything has some value. It's just a matter of knowing where and how to sell it. Books, Clothes, Furniture, Technology are just a couple easy things to sell. Plus, you may have some hobby or skill that may be valuable. Here's a quick list of what to sell and concrete explanations of how to sell it:
1. Selling Used Books:
I made over $300 dollars selling my college textbooks last year and I'm not even a science major. In fact, some of the books I bought used sold for more than what I paid for. This option is the fastest and easiest way to make money. Period.
Use allows you to compare book sell back offers from dozens of buyers in the marketplace. In other words, you will get the most cash for your book. Remember when selling the books it's better to bundle them because most buyers will require $10 minimum or more. For instance,
How to Sell Back Your Used Books:
I've never had a problem with selling back my books. Moreover, I've always got the quoted value. So, don't worry if one page is bent, just make sure to follow the rules provided by the buyer. I've used the following buyers:,, and
2. Sell back Used clothes
Go to your local clothing exchange stores, such as Freestyle Clothing exchange or Crossroad and sell back your clothes. You can also sell them online, but this takes time and isn't always a guarantee. See these websites for more.
3. Sell Your Handheld Electronics to Online Buyers
I've sold a couple of iphones and ipods using online buyers. It's a lot easier and faster to sell your phones, computers, and mp3 players to online buyers such as,, Make sure to compare the prices, it could save you $50 bucks or more. Like book selling, you get a quote, shipping is free, and it's quick and easy. If you are patient, make sure to compare Craigslist prices.
4. Sell Furniture and Technology on Craigslist
Sell your furniture and technology below market price and you could sell your item that day. One day I sold two items in less than an hour and made 200 dollars. If you live in college community , this is especially true. Here's how:
Speakers, beds, tables, and televisions are the easiest to sell. So if your products are not worth much online, give Craigslist a try. If your products are too niche or don't sell well on Craigslist, try or
5. Housesit for Your Friends
Housesitting is obviously an easy way to make some extra cash, but it's not common to housesit every week or month. Get involved in your community through joining running groups and clubs. Make new friends and you are more likely to help these new friends with their pets while they are away.
6. Blogging, Websites, and Advertising
If successful, this can be huge moneymaker. For those who love to write, start a personal blog and write about what you know. You can generate revenue through Google Adsense advertising. Some advertisements on your site may generate $1 per click. Simply, buy a cheap domain and server online here, install wordpress on the server, and create a adsense account and paste the ads to the blog pages. This can be done in less than an hour. Once you got your blog running, write and share your articles on social media. I'll be writing more about this in the future, so be sure to check back every now and then.
7. Turn your hobby into a business:
I love building websites and making videos. So, I'm building a website to sell my services and do what I love. Making a site is easy. Just follow the steps in number 6 and look for a Wordpress e-commerce theme. You can sell your products & services and install paypal directly into the site. By having your hobby or business online, you can reach out to all your friends and family more easily and offer services and products to them. I'd create groups around your hobby and have a business page for the relevant social media network.
8. Quick Finance Tips to Get Cash